Thankfully that picture was taken from the last winter or two, we have not had the..."pleasure"...of seeing snow collect on the ground yet. I asked Jodi if she thinks we will be lucky enough to have a short winter. She just laughed, patted me on the head, and said "you're too cute". I know I am, but I'm not sure what that had to do with my question. Come to think of it, I believe she was laughing AT me...Blast! How did I not see that sooner?
So if you recall, last year I made a Christmas list for everyone so that there would be no confusion as to what I'd like. Well, imagine to my disbelief, when the day came and I received NOTHING at all. "Isn't two warm homes and the love of two amazing women enough?" said the sisters...NO! As a matter of fact it is not.
So once again I am posting my list, you can find it here: http://pinkpanthersisters.blogspot.com/2010/12/anything-cold-and-wet.html
You may remove Eclipse since I...I mean Jodi...already has it. I would also like to add MY NEW MOON BUTTON onto that list...
I think I need to retract my earlier comment about two warm homes and love not being enough. I fear they might make me live on the streets in the winter to prove a point. So yes, retracting comment.
Stay tuned for more, next week should be a blast with Jodi staying the night at Steph's for a couple days. I can only imagine the crazy and insane things they will be up to next week. For example...putting up a Christmas tree, watching Friends, making cookies...you know, CRAZY STUFF!
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