In honor of this Christmasy spirit, we decided to make Ginger S'mores last week! They were easy peasy to make and a blinding success for all...four people who tried them...
This is all you need to make them! Ginger snaps, marshmellow cream, and chocolate! Seriously, could this BE any easier?
When Steph and Jodi weren't looking, I tried helping Ringo into the bag to filch a few cookies. Team work, we have it!
Here I am, helping Jodi put marshmellow cream between two cookies.
We found that the marshmellow cream is...quite it is best to do this fast and set them in the fridge for a few minutes.
Ringo testing out the sprinkles to make sure they are up to code. We chose to dip AND drizzle the chocolate. I am putting the sprinkles on the dipped ones. I must say, I did a fantastic job! I mostly had to steer clear of Steph and her crazy chocolate spatula...
After setting in the fridge for a few minutes, Ringo and I were able to enjoy these brill little treats!Close up of me with the Ginger S'mores
It left me quite parched, so I took a sip of Jodi's drink.
Oddly enough, I slept like a baby that
Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye to Jodi. It made me quite sad so I decided to pack up and head to her house for a while. Ringo was getting pretty lonely without me. Besides, I am slightly bitter that Steph didn't think to let me out of her room so I could help her, Tasha, and Jodi put up the Christmas tree. I can't bloody open the door myself, woman! I tried, really I tried.
Well I am off to find my scarf, Jodi forgot to lay it out for me and I just can't wait to put it on! It is rather parky in her room!
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