I just want to start off by saying how rude it was of Steph and Jodi to go see Breaking Dawn
(AGAIN) with Jolene and didn't think to bring me! Can you believe it? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised considering they tend to forget my existence when it comes to Twilight...I am also not impressed with the fact that after wearing the same New Moon button for a year, it was removed from me and never given back!
THE NERVE! I am pretty sure Steph has it and forgot to put it back on...which I would appreciate her doing so immediately. I guess I shouldn't complain too much since I did just get to travel to Florida with Steph and we left Jodi behind...
Well it's that time of the year, everyone! I think it is time for me to bust out my awesome scarves. Particularly, this one given to Jodi by none other than Steph. I, of course, filched it the second Jodi took her eyes off it. I think it looks quite dashing on me, just ignore the ghastly white stuff in the background. I always do...

Thankfully that picture was taken from the last winter or two, we have not had the..."pleasure"...of seeing snow collect on the ground yet. I asked Jodi if she thinks we will be lucky enough to have a short winter. She just laughed, patted me on the head, and said "you're too cute". I know I am, but I'm not sure what that had to do with my question. Come to think of it, I believe she was laughing AT me...Blast! How did I not see that sooner?
So if you recall, last year I made a Christmas list for everyone so that there would be no confusion as to what I'd like. Well, imagine to my disbelief, when the day came and I received NOTHING at all. "Isn't two warm homes and the love of two amazing women enough?" said the sisters...NO! As a matter of fact it is not.
So once again I am posting my list, you can find it here: http://pinkpanthersisters.blogspot.com/2010/12/anything-cold-and-wet.html
You may remove Eclipse since I...I mean Jodi...already has it. I would also like to add MY NEW MOON BUTTON onto that list...
I think I need to retract my earlier comment about two warm homes and love not being enough. I fear they might make me live on the streets in the winter to prove a point. So yes, retracting comment.
Stay tuned for more, next week should be a blast with Jodi staying the night at Steph's for a couple days. I can only imagine the crazy and insane things they will be up to next week. For example...putting up a Christmas tree, watching Friends, making cookies...you know, CRAZY STUFF!