Day 1:
Hmm, what are these little fellows?
At first their sour...
and then they're sweet...the commercials don't lie...
I got started on the peanut butter bars, while the girls stood around and gabbed.
I had to show Steph how to properly pour the chocolate on top.
My favorite part of baking? Licking the spoon!
Then we decided to watch some Harry Potter, they claimed I was hogging all the butter cheerios. Psh
Day 2:
Tasha's car has been in the driveway for so long I had to ask why. Steph claims it wasn't working, so I thought I would show them how it's done.
Okay so it won't start for me either...
How about I try pushing it?
Maybe I should take a look under the hood in case you missed something.
Well here's your problem, you have a dead mouse. Don't worry, I will take care of that for you.
Still hungry, any birdies in there?
Everyone got a real good laugh out of this, yeah thanks.
Finally Jodi was nice enough to help me up.
Um...I might need help down. Blimey that's a far jump!
Once we were back inside, I played some music for the girls.
At first I thought, with all the peanut butter bars I had been eating, I should probably work some of it off. After a while though, I realized I am not meant to use these human contraptions.
My legs aren't short, this machine is just too long...
Ah this should be no problem!
My oh my...this is embarrassing...
So I'll give these a go!
I don't even know how this was possible...
I guess from now on I will have to stick to what I know!! Watching the telly
and making my friends laugh!
So there you have it folks, my last two days in pictures. You may ask why I titled this post "Embarrassing Moments" because well, it's me, what could I possibly do to embarrass myself? Well if you look closely there are a few moments of shame from last night. I won't go into detail but it involves a wall and some work out equipment...
So anyway, I am now staying at Steph's house for a while, she was jealous that Jodi had me for so long. What can I say? I am just a loved fellow! So stay tuned for some more updates on my days!
Pip pip!
i got a good laugh from this post! thank you for trying to fix my car, it wasn't just you that couldn't fix had to go into the mechanic TWICE cause they couldn't fix it either. keep posting dear pink, can't wait to see pictures from our "girls night" tonight.