Steph brought home a friend yesterday. She thinks I need to socialize more, which is pure and utter poppycock. But, anyhoo, this individual, we'll call him Bob, quickly became my sworn enemy. I do not like him, I do not trust him. Steph was taking pictures, thinking that this would be a happy soiree. But you will see quickly why he deserves my ire.
My, he's a pasty looking gent.
Immediately, he sets eyes on my scarf. and PUTS IT ON.
A struggle ensues. And Bob tries to make his getaway.....

I was clearly the victor.

Needless to say, Bob is not welcome back in my home. Steph's upset as she feels I was "rude" to the "company". Bollocks, I say, I was just defending my terroritory.
I will try and post more tomorrow. I took a splendid hike with Jodi, Kevin and Steph recently and would love to share those pictures with you. I've also been busy making cookies. More on that later!
Ta ta!