A few weeks ago Tasha, Ringo, Jodi, and I went to Steph's and decided to make a sweet. Let me tell you, it was brill! We found a recipe for cheesecake with Oreos as the crust. Not crushed up Oreos, but WHOLE Oreos, we chose the Halloween ones.
Jodi claims I was trying to filch an Oreo, that is just plain rubbish! I was putting one IN the liner.
Just watching Tasha mix the cheesecake...waiting...and waiting...
Finally I get to pour some in the liners! Almost done, I can feel the excitement radiate through my body!
Ringo and I were allowed to lick out the bowl. I have better access to most of it, sorry about your luck, mate.

The final product! Anyone fancy a bite? Too bad, they are all gone!

That night was also the first night Ringo witnessed Twilight. He is so behind on the times! Thank goodness he has us to help him adjust.

Tomorrow Jodi and Ringo are coming over again, I am not sure about Tasha, but she better! Not like she will see this, since I hear she doesn't even read my blog anymore! Honestly, the atrocity! I think I will have to have a little chat with her later.
I hope all of you are enjoying this luvvly-jubbly weather we are having...while it lasts! I'm heading outsied with Sunshine Bear for a little bit, hopefully more updates later this week!
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