I know...bloody scary, right?

Steph and I looking for spelling mistakes on the game board. Imbeciles.

Now it's time for the caramel apples!!

Stir, stir, stir the caramel

Dip the apple in!

I had to have Jodi put my toppings on. The girls didn't approve of my method of me standing in the toppings in order to roll the apple in it...I can't help my arms are short!

What a mess!! But so worth it. I made sure it was ALL cleaned up!

I momentarily passed out from a beastly stench

After, we went to visit the Headless Angel
Rude I tell you, so rude!
Rude I tell you, so rude!

Pondering on a stump

Hey Steph! Um...shouldn't you be driving?

A Panther on the Path of Life

This is Panthers Hollow, by the way. When they told me where we were going I was immediately thrilled. What more could a panther like me want?! Although, when we arrived, I was slightly disappointed in the lack of panthers. It should be called Hillbilly Hills if you ask me! Hmph! I guess the story is way back in the day, they say the 50's or so, some panthers escaped when a circus was travelling through.
Steph had to contain me from chasing Tasha. I couldn't help it! I'm in my element!

If you look closely, you will see we broke no laws

Steph was too scared to come with us at first. Eventually she changed her mind. She didn't feel comfortable enough without my protection.
We took the left.
Tasha, Jodi and I decided to check out the right path, it looked a lot creepier than the left. Steph opted out and went back to the vehicle. We were correct, the right path was all broken up, huge dips, making it impossible to drive up it...yet there was a barn...with the door open. The scene was much scarier than the picture could capture.
So that was the end of that trip and we finished the drive through Panthers Hollow and headed back to Steph's for some Buttered Beer, hot dog mummies, and the Vampire's Suck movie. It was quite a night! I was tuckered by the end!

Keep warm out there lads!