Being the most educated in the vehicle, I was designated the "Official Map Reader."
It *really* freaks people out when I do this. hahaha
"High five." We're on the right road.
Due to my exceptional navigational skills we arrived safely to our first destination.

Ah Bloody Hell! ...I'm stuck.

I don't find this amusing...

Always gotta keep the nose clear of crusty dragons.

The stench is unbearable...gotta....get.........some................air......................


Time to tuck in for a nap-a-roo.

I should have known. I sleep for 5 minutes...and we're lost.

I quickly try to take matters into my own hands while Steph's getting directions. However the bloody pedals were just too far away.

Despite this, we arrive at Hocking Hills safely.

I fell.

Me and a tree.

She must be off her trolley if she thinks I'm going down there.

I'm vogueing....strike a pose! was a good trip.

Hope you all enjoyed the photos, I'm going to be with the other sister next week so watch for new posts.
Ta ta for now (TTFN)
Pinky I'm so glad you finally posted these pics! I had so much fun with you on this trip. Love you and can't wait to hang out again!
It's about time Pinky! I've been waiting to see how "exciting" this trip was! Too bad you missed out on Vegas :)