This is preposterous. Just absolutely outrageous. There are no words to describe how I feel about these pictures I am about to show you. Recently, Jodi went over to Steph's house for a couple nights. And can you believe she FORGOT me?! I'm flabbergasted! Of course, Sunshine Bear jumped at the chance of being a star for the night, getting to join in on the fun.
They made these pretzel bites with Hershey Kisses and M&Ms!
That could have been my job, placing the kisses on the pretzels...

If you ask me, Sunshine Bear is rubbing it in a little too much.

AH BLOODY....COME ON! Unacceptable, intolerable! I am highly offended!

Guess what I was doing during this time? I was spending some quality time with my mate Ringo...stuffed in a camera bag...I was so chuffed to bits that I couldn't even load my lovely pictures I took fromt eh day I was first placed in that bag, WEEKS AGO! I have a fantastic memory...and this is the second time Jodi has left me in the dark for weeks. I had a "pleasant" chat with her.
She felt so guilty about it, and promised she would not forget me for the Breaking Dawn Part 1 viewing. "You better believe you won't forget me! Because I won't let you forget!" is what I told her. Needless to say, I made it to Steph's house last Friday night.
I know I met Jolene before, but I fell in love with her all over again when she immediately begins to feed me like the king I am.

I needed to make sure I wouldn't fall asleep during the new movie, so I took a little nap next to Tasha while they watched Twilight.

I got to meet Caitlyn for the first time. We took to each other very quickly when we began talking about Twilight. She knows more than I do! Brilliant woman!

I wanted to help this dishy young dalmation out of the scary glass cage, but I could not seem to get the joystick to move the claw! I am pretty sure Steph lied to me when she said she put money in it already...

While we waited for them to let us in the theater, since my threats did not work, I dominated Jodi in a game of air hockey.

Here we are waiting for the movie to start!

Jodi even shared her nachos and cheese with me. She has redeemed herself!
I was chuffed to bits that night! The movie was bloody brilliant, the best one yet! I suggest all of you go and see it at once! I tried persuading the sisters to take me again, but for some reason they haven't seen it again! They must be barmy! I should have gone with Tasha, I believe she saw it for the second time already.
Well you all have a fantastic evening!