Wow, it has been a whole two years since you have been honored with my presence. Can you believe it? We have had a lot of fun: traveling to different places, hiking, making new friends, cooking great food, celebrating Twlight nights. We have also been through some atrocious moments: I went to WORK (never again), I BABYSAT, spent over a week in a dark drawer...But our fun has only just begun!
Recently Steph, Tasha, Jodi, Ringo, and I made some simple and scrumptious treats. Which reminds me, if you have not tried Nutella, I suggest you immediately (after you are done reading this post) go to your local grocery store and buy yourself some. The large jar. You will need it.
The first thing we made were "Acorns" using donut holes, pretzels, brown sprinkles, and of course, Nutella.
Ringo tried sneaking a bite before we started but I caught him!

We found it easiest to seperate each item like this. You just dip the one end of the donut hole into the Nutella, cover that in sprinkles, stick a preztel in the same end...

And voila! You get little acorns! We covered a few in colorful sprinkles since someone didn't realize they didn't have enough brown (Steph...)

Next, we made Candy Corn Parfaits. Right here is everything you need, except for the Reddi Wip...someone forgot that until everyone else was done with theirs (Steph)
Cocoa Puffs, candy corns, chocolate, and french vanilla pudding
Little word of easy on the candy corn...those are sickening sweet in the treat...which is, of course, okay with me. Some people can't handle it though (Jodi)

Hopefully next week we will get to try other kinds of tasty treats to share will all of you. And like I said in my last post, I have been so busy since fall began. I keep falling behind on my posts, but not to worry! Winter (gag) is just around the corner and I will have all the time in the world to post about my cold, blithering days. Is anyone else dreading this impending doom that is about to bestow upon us?
I better get outside and enjoy this weather while it lasts! You should do the same, it's quite lovely outside today.
Tata, Pinky
Happy Two Year Anniversary!!