Good afternoon everyone! Hope you all had a very wonderful weekend, mine was quite relaxing. Actually, the past week was quite delightful! Jodi was such a doll to take me on vacation with her. I have never seen the beach so I was tickled when she told me we were going to Myrtle! I made sure I took my camera with me so all of you could see the fantastic time I had.
The night before we left, I met this awkward looking fellow...I am still not sure what he is, but he gave me the willies!

Har har, Jodi...she thought it would be funny to trip me while I was trying to get away from him.
So the next morning we were off, bright and early. I of course have no pictures of that because I slept for the first couple hours...When I woke up, we were in the mountains of West Virginia!
Beautiful, huh? I am ready to see some beach though!
Wow, what is this strange popping sensation in my ears?! I do not like it!
Jodi kept sticking me down here everytime we got to a toll...Thanks
Jodi told me I had to try to hold my breath through the whole thing...I think she is a little looney!
I felt like this tunnel was a transporter, but where will it take us?

Oh, Virginia!
Just chillin' on the dashboard, it was quite sunny!
We made a stop to eat in North Carolina. When Jodi said they had chicken salad I immediately envisioned the most amazing meal of a chicken sitting on lettuce...I found I was quite wrong, so I ate the grapes.
THIS is what the beach looks and feels like?
You are leaving me here, correct?
The first night someone set off some awesome fireworks right next to us. Of course a cop had to come ruin the fun!
Where's my breakfast in bed? Jodi just laughed at me and walked away...apparently she thought I was joking.
So I put on her glasses and sat on the balcony all day, soaking up the sun.
Working on my tan, I feel like I accomplished so much last week!
Here is the best part of vacation, I made a new friend! This bloke's name is Ringo, and we are pretty sure he is a lemur, but I don't think he even knows for sure. Honestly, things started out a little rough for us. There was some jealousy issues and uncertainty between us.
Here is where we first met, I figured something this small couldn't possibly be any threat to me.
But wait...what's this? A TAIL?!
Slowly we began to warm up to each other, I even let him share my chair with me.
I am pretty sure he knew the tail was a sore spot for me...I had half a mind to shove him off, but Jodi was watching.
Before long, we were playing pick-up sticks and having a blast!
It was a very long and delicate process, but I of course won the game.
I pretty much avoided actually going on the beach all of vacation. I was perfectly content enjoying it from the balcony, especially after Jodi was stung by a jellyfish. I mean, really, who wants to get eaten by a shark or stung by a jellyfish?!
On the last evening, though, Jodi was able to convince me to at least sit near the shore. I agreed to this arrangement, but not before making Kevin build me a barrier to keep the water away.
On the morning we were getting ready to leave, Ringo and I had to say goodbye to the beach :(
He was very unfamiliar with tunnels, being in a store all his life, so I took the liberty to explain what it was and how you are supposed to hold your breath through the whole thing. He actually tried it! I thought the little fellow was going to pass out!
What on earth is this device? It's ugly! Get it away from me immediately! dispenses candy?!
I'll take that!
Oops, camera malfunction
So that was my week! I am sad it is over, but glad to be home where the deer population is bountiful and all my friends reside. I would like to go again someday soon, but I don't think Jodi and Steph will let me travel alone. I am pretty sure they think I would cause quite a fright for residents down there.
Everyone have a fantastic week!
Ta Ta