So I am sitting here in Steph's room surfing the internet when I discovered today is Thanksgiving. So why am I sitting on a dresser at Steph's all by myself, you ask? Well because someone, we won't mention names...though it should be quite obvious, forgot all about me. So while the whole family is enjoying their turkey and Pearl's mashed potatoes, I am here. With Sunshine Bear. And a horse.
Things I am thankful for:
1. Alice Cullen, my love

2. Two wonderful sisters who provide warm shelter
3. Deer

4. Sleepovers with the girls when Nick is on business trips

5. All my buds at Jodi's house

6. Sunshine Bear

7. Scarves

8. Sneaking into the cubboard for a nip of scotch

I hope you all have something you are thankful for on this fine Thanksgiving Day. Let us not take for granted all our blessings in life...such as when your friend takes you to feast with the family. That is something to be thankful for...
Pip pip!