Day 10
I have been in this drawer for so long now I've resorted to eating paper from the books. I have yet to find antelope in a coffee table, which leaves me gobsmacked! My cries for help have gone ignored, I swear I heard the mutt sniffing outside the drawer as I yelled. I will have to have a "talk" with him later. Jodi is going to get an ear full, too...once she remembers me and lets me out. She's so numpty sometimes!
What I have been staring at for a week and a half

So while I have nothing else to occupy my time I will show you what I'd been up to before this monstrosity. A few weeks ago Jodi was sick and since I was at her house I had to take necessary precautions. I can't afford catching a cold with such beautiful hunting weather amongst us.

A while ago I mentioned Dupree hooking me up with some beach time. If you don't remember then go back and read it, my body is too weak to explain. I was looking forward to my much needed time at the beach, soaking up the sun, drinking some martinis (what?), hunting shark with my bare hands.
So imagine my displeasure when he gave me my "beach time"
What a little blagger

Being in this drawer for so long has allowed me to do some thinking. Dupree will not get away with that, The Dog shall be punished, and Jodi is in big trouble. She better have me out of here by Friday for the fun night watching New Moon then ECLIPSE! If I miss that...someone will be put it nicely.
O I think I hear someone!
No...just The Dog...
Goodnight everyone, or is it morning?