Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Oh My!

I can't believe how long it has taken me to put up this post! It's been so beautiful outside I haven't been able to do anything but soak up the sun. I have also been spending a lot of time with Dupree and Ralph. It has been quite a lovely time not having to clean for anyone!
A couple of weekends ago I went to Steph's house with Jodi. I was told we were watching a movie that I'm sure to love. So obviously I immediately assumed it was Twilight, I mean come on, what other movie would I love?

This was my reaction when I learned it was Harry Potter instead

But it is nothing a little bit of candy won't fix
Oh what to choose, Steph ate all the good stuff

Now that is what I call dinner!
So a Monday or two (it's been a while so it's hard to remember) later I was able to accompany Steph and Jodi to a concert along with their friends. Notice my calm words? Should have seen me when I found out about it. PARAMORE?! WHAT?! BLOODY BRILLIANT

Here I am holding the tickets, they trusted me with them since I am the only responsible one
Blimey! Don't you know we have important places to go?
Finally!! Hayley, you are brill!
You can't see me but I am in the mosh pit, front row right in front of the bloke facing the wrong way
All the body surfing and singing left me knackered for the ride home

So that is all for now! A big shout out to Tasha because I know she has been waiting for me to put something up. So sorry my love! We must hang out next time you are in the area!

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