Saturday, October 16, 2010

One Year

Blimey! I cannot believe I almost forgot that Thursday was my one year anniversary for starting this amazing blog! I would like to give a shout out to my two lovelies, Steph and Jodi, and to Tasha who has been so patient with those two and their quirkiness. And, of course, all my faithful followers!
Oh and my one and only, Alice.

If you recall a while back I went to visit Jodi at work, which I swore I would never do again. Well, lo and behold, she somehow managed to convince me to visit once again. This time was not as dreadful as the first. Maybe it is because I have been stuck inside Steph's house for months on end and needed to get out, or maybe it is because I did not have to actually work this time. Whatever the reasoning, here are the happenings of that day.

I was merely peeking in Jodi's cup to see what she was drinking, when Ellie and Jodi thought it would be funny to take a little kodak moment.
Every Friday this office has mini cupcakes?! I need to visit more often!

I had some cupcake on my chin

Hmm those made me extremely thirsty

I tried hiding when I heard Jodi call my name.
I thought she was going to put me to work.

I was right...I need to stick to the small vacuum.

I tried once more to hide, but to no avail. I think this crazy lil' fellow here gave away my hiding spot.

My new friend, Alfalfa, and I

It has been too long since I have climbed a tree!

Crud, I hate modern technology.

Please don't send me there...I'll fix the fax machine.

I had to cover up some rancid smell...

Ellie thought it would be hilarious to tape up my nose like hers. I found it preposterous, but I allowed it.

At least I will be leaving here with a few new friends and a Dum Dum...I mean the sucker.
So there you have it! That day, I realized it is not so bad going to work with Jodi. I still prefer to spend my time more hunting or sleeping.

So tomorrow should be a bloody blast! Steph is having Jodi, Tasha, and I over for a nice little Halloween/Autumn party. Jodi told me all the foods, drinks, and snacks we will be having and it sounds positively delightful! I was told we will possibly be watching New Moon, so that right there is what made my decision to grace them with my presence. Be prepared for many pictures of a fun night!


Monday, October 11, 2010

I love fall!

Fall is my favorite time of the year. Just wanted to share some lovely pictures.

Hope you are enjoying this splendid season!

Fancy a Post?

Blimey, it's been a long time! My summer has flown by and it suddenly came to me that I've been doing a sad job on this blog! Heavens, I didn't even tell you about my amazing movie night with the girls! Eclipse was jolly good! Here are some pics of the night. You'll see it was a smashing time!

First off, excellent news. Tasha is home!! I missed this sweetheart.
This lass is JoEllen. She is a Twilight fan, so I accepted her at once. And, obviously, she loved me immediately.

These girls think they always needs snacks. Hurry along now!
We had some time to kill while waiting. I am an excellent shot. I prefer chasing my prey, but it's always good to have options.This is Big Yellow. He was in line for the movie too. He always has that stupid grin on his face.

There aren't a lot of seating options for small panthers. I can't imagine where Big Yellow sat.

And Jodi would only let me sit here for a quick picture.

Jodi and I are totally gutted that Breaking Dawn doesn't come out until November 2011

Isn't that barmy?!? 2011. It might as well be light years away! How can I ever wait that long?'s coming out in two movies, so that means the last one won't be until 2012! I will console myself somehow. Steph and Jodi are psyched about HP The Deathly Hallows. But that's not really my cup of tea. I guess I'll have to find a hobby. Take up knitting or something.
