Steph, in slipshod fashion, left me laying on the counter (me thinks on purpose), and Lena makes her discovery
For some reason, she insists on trying to feed me noodles.
Evidently, she doesn't realize.. if I didn't slay it, I don't eat it.
Noodley kiss……..Blah.
The cruelty I suffered is plain as the nose on your face.
With a jovial grin, the turtle joins in the fun.
My beseeching eyes implore her to put me down.
Clearly, not what I had in mind.
Apology NOT accepted. Can’t……..breathe……
This is me. In a BOX.
Still in the box.
For love of all that is holy, GET ME OUT!
Be very, very quiet. Maybe she won't notice me......
I wonder……did she have something to do with this?
It's safe to say, I will not be babysitting again anytime soon.
Well, I've got some swiffer sweeping to do. Tooda loo!